A Happy New Year

Creation Spirituality by Matthew Fox

Nobody here but me and a blank screen, and the birdies, Jupiter and Chickie. So many people will be back to work today.  Will they have considered the year ahead and opportunity to review how they live?  Who can say, but I have, aided rather inadvertently by the reading of a couple of books over […]

Conspiracy to Make You Happy

Rainbow - Photo Theresa Sjoquist

Today we can see the shifts in consciousness virtually as they occur.  Recently The Secret made a global hit with many, and backed by a plethora of reading from such authors as Neale Donald Walsch, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson and others, a significant proportion of  humanity is looking at life differently. Ultimately it doesn’t matter which […]

Why are We Here?

Spider web in bush - Photo Theresa Sjoquist

An ages old question…with yet no definitive answer.  Perhaps as many answers as there are humans. I think we’re here for the purpose of experience.  To experience operating at this density; this density where fear has been a driver. Perhaps it is fear which keeps us locked at this frequency. Experience – the activity of noting […]

Raising our Frequency

Give a bit of thought to the idea of ascension. When Jesus ascended what was going on from a physical point of view? It’s generally known today that matter is constituted of particles and waves moving at specific frequencies. Light vibrates at a very high frequency while rocks are a lot slower. The human body […]

Imagination is the Key

Imagination is the key to living well. What we can imagine, we can create. Albert Einstein imagined himself sitting on the front of a rocket speeding through space and the knowledge he gained from imagining that resulted in his now very famous E=MC theory. Sometimes imagination leads to discoveries, as opposed to creations. Radio waves […]