Let me take you on a truly whacky walk now.  My pen spat this out one day – whacky pen in a world and time when everything is possible.

“But you must follow us.  We will help you.  We are benign.  We need you to transmute,  to release the energy on this plane which will wash the energies of discord back to harmony.  The privilege of being able to assist and to have such close contact with a society reaching consciousness is a privilege beyond bearing.  Your pain has been so great that we cannot ever repay you but you have borne it.

Have you thought about ever what it would really be like if a benign alien race were to make themselves known and move amongst you?  Imagine what that would feel like.  To know that you are definitely not alone.  How does that feel?

Just imagine that the power was yours to raise your frequency to such a pitch that you vibrated out of the sight of physical eyes.  It’s generally understood now that all matter is particles moving at various frequencies – the faster the frequency the less available to the human eye, the slower the frequency, the more dense the object.  Just think about what that would mean in society.  What it would mean if people or things could pop in and out of this density. Perhaps you’d become visions in other dimensions, like dreams are to you here.

Your behaviour is governed by your thinking.  In order to think clearly you must be grounded, walk with all four corners of each foot squarely on the ground, big toe, little toe, inner and outer heel.  Plug in and ground. You will move between dimensions more easily if you are connected to an energy source.  Be physically capable of sustaining a massive frequency boost by being plugged into the base energy of earth, gravity. Align major joints, knees over ankles, hips over knees, shoulders over hips.

A mass frequency shift could occur in 2012, set in motion by natural planetary cycles. If you cannot support a new frequency by expecting it, you may be obliged to seek a new form.  It is only a physical issue but to help you reach frequency, think about what it would be like to live in a world without fear.  Do you know how often during a day you fear?

Fear is related to density.  At higher frequencies it can’t exist.  You are locked into this density because you have fear.  Fear that there is nothing, that this beautiful, poignant life is a fleeting shaft of sunlight among the trees.  Try to see fear as locked into your psyche as a tool you can use to help you evolve.

Humanity needs to understand that the next stage in human consciousness development is to think universally.  You are not alone, in ways you have yet to understand.  You are going through the change. You can help yourselves through the change by at least being aware of it.  Plug in to mother earth.  As you grow to consciousness you achieve a frequency which makes transmutation possible.

Imagination is what separates you from the beast.  Imagination. Creative thought. Imagination is a frolicsome term, light-hearted, not deep at all.  You imagine great things from the wearing of crowns to the winning of competitions, to what a table will look like before you begin to build it, or how a cake will smell out of the oven before you begin to bake it.

And that’s the key to living well.  Being able to create something by the pure power of your ability to image it, to imagine it.  You don’t have to imagine hard for the day to day tasks of opening the fridge or getting dressed. Don’t you always imagine yourself getting out of bed in the morning – see a quick preview before you actually do it.  Think about it and you’ll see that it’s true.

The human organism is controlled through the brain. The brain is the functional physical vessel for thought.  Amazing as it is, it is still limited because of it’s physicality so you process the idea of getting out of bed.  In a flash you select the file that says get out of bed.  You operate your bodies automatically based on the body’s learned capacities.  You have to give the command; create the thought.

Creative thoughts. Creative thinkers are what human beings are and are only just beginning to realise.  It’s at the forefront of sociological thinking.  A society without fear.  What would that feel like?  What would it mean?

It means that you can create a high frequency love-based civilisation if you can imagine it.”